Mr. Gallagher has been consulting on real estate litigation matters for the past 11 years including full time engagement with Gallagher Attorney Group in Las Vegas. Mr. Gallagher's high success rate is a result of applying forensic engineering and 20+ years of real estate development to identify exposure points leveraged by the Client.
The complexity of real estate development too often results in governing documents that fail to protect the Client. The reason is simple. Real Estate Attorneys have limited technical knowledge and Engineers have limited legal knowledge. To worsen matters, communication between legal and technical is typically non-existent. In turn, the resulting governing documents fail to bridge this gap causing latent defects unknown by the Client.
Time and again Mr. Gallagher identifies "holes" in the governing documents used to the Client's advantage. It's at this point that special counsel or an expert witness is engaged to solidify the argument.
Mr. Gallagher has given dozens of depositions and testimony defending the argument put forth in the legal filings and has a verifiable success rate. After spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases, it's a communication breakdown and lack of cross disciplinary skills essential to creating proper governing documents that causes unknown legal exposure.
Mr. Gallagher ensures these gaps are identified and addressed when engaged to create governing documents for an Acquisition and Entitlement client. Many times a simple sentence added to a document or adding language in the Assignment Agreements with the consultants to ensure senior protection.
Mr. Gallagher is selective when engaging in legal consulting services as his personal involvement is guaranteed and a forensic analyses of an entire project and the associated documents is a very tedious process. The final report published to the Client and/or Counsel provides a detailed strategy identifying all exposure points in the governing documents and all underlying documents.
The final strategy is a combination of technical and legal analyses resulting in a stronger position for the Client. What is most unfortunate is that the Client has already paid to identify and address these holes during acquisition and entitlement.
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